Thursday, 18 June 2015

Mac n' Cheese Festival 2015 and a Canadian Cultural Lesson

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Macaroni and cheese or as it's actually known in Canada, Kraft Dinner (KD for short) is Canada's national dish. Not poutine from Quebec, but a cheesy, quick pasta that has been 'manufactured and formulated by scientists' in Illinois. It is so ingrained in Canadian iconography that it makes appearances in art exhibitions by Douglas Coupland and the talking part of Barenaked Ladies song "If I had a Million Dollars" (which every Canadian can and has sung at some point in their life).
We, Canadians, consume an average of 3.2 boxes of the florescent orange, cheese food, pasta each year--55% more than Americans--purchasing 1.7 million out of the 7 million boxes sold globally each week. (Nerd alert: Interesting article about KD in The Walrus, "Manufacturing Taste" by Sasha Chapman)
The simple assemblage of elbow macaroni, processed cheese powder, and milk has changed little since its inception in 1937, but there have been additions to up the KD market such as white cheddar, KD Smart (hidden veg in the noodles), whole wheat pasta, to name a few items. 
I always looked forward to a care package from home which would inevitably include a couple boxes of Original KD which I would ration and only break into in dire financial weeks or low 'peoplesick' days.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

All this to say, Toronto has finally hosted its very first Mac N' Cheese Festival. Everyone and their mother was buzzing about this three day event taking place in Liberty Market Building. It was free entry, but tickets had to be purchased for procuring any food items; 8 tickets for $10, 20 tickets for $20.
Our long history and intimate knowledge of the makeup of this traditional, childhood, comfort food has allowed some very talented chefs the ability to get creative, turning this simple meal into a dish worthy of an entire festival.
I attended on the Sunday at 12 and although we had to wait in line for an hour to get tickets, I hear the queues were so much worse the previous days.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Now for the food. First we tried the Lobster and Spinach Mac n' Cheese. Good one to start off with.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Next was a 5 Cheese and Herb Crusted Mac n' Cheese

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Not tried but much desired (the line was just too long), this interesting mac n' cheese served in a Doritos bag. Junked Food were the winners of the "Most Unique". Clearly. 

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

This Hawaiian Salad Mac n' Cheese was served cold and could come with a side of pulled pork. I went for the sample size in order to fit more other mac n' cheeses in my belly.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

This "sushi" man n' cheese from Cardinal Rule was hands down my fav of the day. Just look at that beauty. Cardinal Rule informed me via instagram that they have a similar item on offer at their restaurant.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Finally, time for dessert, insert this S'mores Mac n' Cheese (mascarpone, chocolate, elbow mac, marshmallow and graham crackers). Really good.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Just read the sign. Yeah, we went there.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

I made my mac n' cheese ice cream into a sammy. Obviously.
I can't quite tell you what it tasted like as side from yummy and the uncooked pasta throughout was an interesting touch.

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

{Erin Out and About} Mac'n Cheese Festival

Hopefully, next year a new, bigger venue is selected cause I'm definitely going back for more. Until then, I'll just have to make do with the blue box.

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