Saturday, 27 June 2015

Guelph Alumni Weekend

This is a purely selfish, narcissistic, self-indulgent post. I know this. I'm okay with this. 
You've been warned.

The other weekend my alma mater had a reunion weekend for its Alumni. There were special events planned for the whole weekend, what interested me most was taking part in the Guelph Race and Craft Beer Tasting.

I found out this weekend that it's been 10 years since I graduated from my undergrad here and just as long since I had last had a proper visit of the campus. #foreveragryphon.

We ran around campus completing a scavenger hunt and checking out what had changed and what had comfortingly stayed the same.

The day ended with a nice dinner from a restaurant downtown which cooked pizza in wood burning ovens and served them on white linen clad tables. You know, a place we could never have afforded back in uni days.

I certainly had fun at this event. Please enjoy a few photos I took on the day exploring my old home away from home.

You must paint the canon at some point in your university career

The "who's your daddy" bear aka the Begging Bear

It was called The Keg in my day, not because the name has changed but rather because of a cartoon of a man wearing a keg at the entrance.

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