Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Top 4 Travel Guilty Pleasures: Linkup

[travel] guilty pleasure

:  something pleasurable that induces a usually minor feeling of guilt

1. Lazing about in a hotel room

I love traveling and seeing new things meeting new people, but at the end of a long day on my feet wandering cobbled streets and working through various degrees of culture shock, I enjoy a quiet evening spent in the hotel room. Particular favourite activity is watching foreign language TV and drinking wine from hotel room provided glassware. 

view from Venice hotel room

2. Petting dogs

Living in London meant that I was away from my beloved Bettydog. Which meant more often than not, if I came across a dog in the street, I had to go pet it. A dog encounter often turned a blah day into a great one. I totally react to k9s the way most people greet babies. I'm cool with this. 

3. People watching

How is this not everyone's guilty pleasure? If there are people around me, I will be looking at you. And if you have a Hitler mustache, I'm totally going to take a cheeky, creeper photo of you.

4. Instagraming my food

This is not strictly a travel guilty pleasure. Following me on instagram you will often see the food items I made, consumed, about to consume, wish I could be consuming, filling my feed. This brings me joy. I will not stop nor make an apology.

This month's theme for the travel link up hosted by Kelly, Emma, Rebecca and guest host Polly is 'guilty pleasures'

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