Tuesday, 9 December 2014

10 Festive Things to do this Holiday

I'm a big fan of this time of year. Huge. The biggest! Here's a random list of my favourite things to do at this time of year. 

1. Drink the hot drinks
Whether it's a mulled beverage, a hot apple cider, or a festive drink from the local Starbucks, a hot drink is a must at this time of year. I really do think that the sprinkle of cinnamon, ginger, or other miscellaneous spice amps up the holiday spirit.

2. Sing Christmas carols
Either sung at the top of your voice, solo, in a crowd or simply hummed in your head, you can't escape them. But I can't understand why you would want to. If you tend to be a Grinch about this type of music at this time of year, suck it up, it will be over with in 17 days.

3. Walk in a gentle snowfall
Especially after sunset. On nights when it begins to come down in giant clumps of flakes, the air is still and the sky glows a soft orange light. The world has never been more peaceful and glittery than at that moment. It seriously is the best. Bundle up and get out there.

5. Warming cuddles
It's chilly out there. Find someone to share sweet cuddles with. It makes the cold air that much more bearable.

5. Eating
I generally enjoy eating all the time, but at this time of year I particularly love the festive foods. Mince pies, gingerbread cookies, turkey and stuffing, hot apple cider, mulled wine, eggnog, I could go on and on and on...

6. Taking a tour of the Christmas lights
When I was little we would drive around the neighbourhoods oohing and ahhhing at the decorated houses. I particularly liked it when we went further afield and checked out the store windows at the big downtown department stores. When I moved to London, Oxford Street, Regents Street, Carnaby, and Marylebone Street became my favourite destinations to checkout the displays. I highly recommend doing this.

7. Being with loved ones
My immediate family is quite small, being an only child, but both my parents have oodles of siblings and therefore I have oodles of cousins. I immensely look forward to getting together each year and catching up. The numbers have dwindled slightly over time, but I do still look forward to it.

8. Sit on Santa's knee
I don't care how old you are, it's always fun to make a Christmas wish and if you can do it directly to the fat man himself, even better! Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

9. Giving 
Getting presents are great, but even better than that is giving. I'm always broke so this time of year usually requires me to get creative with my giving, but I find the more thoughtful the give the more it's appreciated. And in return you get the warm and fuzzies, so you are actually always getting something. Win win for you.

10. Christmas Markets!!!
I might have mentioned once or twice that I enjoy partaking in Christmas market festivities. If you haven't been to one yet, you are missing out. Right now, drop what you are doing and head to your closest market; sing the carols, drink the hot drink, eat the market food, and cuddle someone...even if it has to be a stranger. You'll thank me. 

Christmas'd out yet? No? Check out Adventures of a London Kiwi's list of 10 things to do in London this holiday season. 

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