Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Why Visit Canterbury Cathedral

It's impossible to visit Canterbury and not visit the Cathedral. As English churches and church grounds go, it's a goodun. 

1. The ticket is a year long and allows access to most of the buildings and gardens. If I lived in Canterbury, I would totally spend my lunch hours here in the gardens. 

2. The architecture and sculptures dot the grounds and tower over you. The Gothic style is mostly what survives today having been rebuilt after a fire in 1174.

3. The poor man's Bible aka the stained glass windows of the cathedral. During a time when the masses were largely illiterate, church decorations and stained glass windows were used to illustrate teachings and stories of the Bible. I couldn't interpret the teaches, but I still enjoyed viewing the colourful windows and was amazed by the craftsmanship. 

4. Stroke a postbox. A George V postbox no less. So very English. Go on, you know you want to.

stoking a King George V post box, as you do.
5. The gardens. All of the gardens. The peace and tranquility you can imagine within a medieval church grounds.

I know I won't be using my ticket again, but I would definitely visit this cathedral a second time. I've not yet been to Westminster Abby, but there was something about this place that felt so special and drew me in. Pretty flowers might have had something to do with it.

The day of our visit was actually the anniversary of the start of WWI for Britain. During our tour of the grounds we discovered this plaque with the honour roll of the Kent Battalion and a poppy wreath laid in memory of the fallen. It seemed appropriate to post this today, Remembrance Day.

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