Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Canterbury Travels

When the accommodation was first booked for Canterbury, it was merely a means to an end. We were attending the Whitstable Oyster Festival and Whitstable was fully booked. We started looking around for alternative locations and Canterbury seemed like a good a place to stay as any. It was a 20 minute drive from the festival location, I could then add another English town visit to my list, and it had some tourist attractions I was interested in seeing. Turns out, I HEART Canterbury. It was an appropriate mix of cultural, historic, and quaint. I wanted to try all the restaurants and cafes. Take all the pictures of buildings. Visit all the museums and tourist sites. 

An old Roman courtyard undulating from time and movement of the earth

Once arrived in Canterbury I started thinking about the one thing I knew about this place; The Canterbury Tales. Then I realized, I don't actually know anything about The Canterbury Tales and Geoffrey Chaucer. Lucky for me, someone had put together The Canterbury Tales Museum; highly cheesy, purely for tourists, and I loved it. A small selection of the 20 plus stories written in Middle English at the end of the 14th century are told using dioramas and audio from the storytellers on a pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral. Was I the only one who hadn't read this? Has it passed by anyone else's knowledge?

While living in England, I hadn't often thought I could live in any other city that London, but the more I wandered these streets and conversed with the locals, the more I could see myself settled in this town. Besides, it's only an hour away (on the express train) from central London.

Fun travels!

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