Thursday, 2 October 2014

Visit a Museum! Quick!

If you don't already know, I'm a big supporter of museums. Museums of all shapes and sizes. They work just so darned hard at bringing interesting and entertaining events, not to mention excellent exhibitions. Go visit a museum today!

Where else could you...

see a giant stuffed walrus,

take olde timey photos with props,

wear a fake, fabulous mustache, 

observe a weird, abstract dance,

listen to 'tea for two' sung in a conservatory, 

attend a strongman lecture,

and wear a reproduction Edwardian corset?

At a museum that's where. And all on the same night too.

Support the arts!

This was from an Edwardian Late night held at the Horniman Museum and Gardens during the summer. They always has stuff going on, it's a bit of a trek to get to, but I promise, it's totally worth it. 

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