Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Chap Olympiad

On a surprising sunny Saturday morning I dress in my best retro dress, swiped on red lipstick, and pinned up my hair. I felt as ready as I could be for an afternoon of...I didn't quite know what yet, but the Chap Olympiad sounded interesting and curiosity got the better of me. When I arrived at Bedford Square, a private garden behind the British Museum, and saw the line up of well dressed chaps and chapettes, I knew what ever this was, I was in love!

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

I met up with my gorgeous 'doing things' friend, Steph and we entered the park for an afternoon of cocktails, games and fashion.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

We grabbed a jug of PIMM's, as you do, and found a table to sit and survey. We were immediately approached by Viv the Spiv, a fast talking, quick witted, salesman with all the desirable wares.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

With a fresh drink in hand we did a few turns of the park and admired all of the fashionable outfits and selected our favourites. 

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

To start things off, the MC called all the games participants up on stage for the lighting of the Olympiad Pipe. And with those first fine puffs the games began.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

Things started off with Tea Pursuit, followed by Bakewell Battles and a lively game of Beach Volleybowler. I enjoyed the next game of Well Dressage and then Umbrella Jousting. We missed The Ambassador's Ball and Limp Handshake as we were replenishing our drinks. The first and only injury of the day (kind of surprisingly) was during the tug of Hair. Bounder Hunt followed this with Briefcase Phalanx and the favourite of the day Not Playing Tennis. These wonderful games have absolutely no sport merit but rather are executed with elegance and panache.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad
{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad
{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad
{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

During the break for Tiffins (that's tea to you and me) there was of course a Victorian Strongman on hand to entertain and amaze the crowds with his genteel strength. Meet the Mighty Mustache, Sir Leopold Aleksander.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

Sir Leopold was very obliging when these girls yelled, "Take it off". He preformed the remainder of his lecture shirtless.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad
He bent this into a love heart

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

At the end of the day, we had to get some photographs with our most liked costumed individuals. The MC (left) was my favourite for his sheer wit. Some of my adored quotes of the day were: "Only here would the words syphilis and marvelous be breathed in the same sentence.", "Nothing I like more than seeing a fully grown man giddily flailing around theatrically after a cake.", "Disqualified for the American youthful display of celebration: the high five.", "There is a fine line between not playing tennis and trying to not play tennis."

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

At the end of our surprising sunny day the clouds rolled in and the rain started. It didn't stop people from dancing, but it was our cue to leave and take shelter in a frequented Thai restaurant near by. As you do.

{ErinOutandAbout} Chap Olympiad

Fun travels!

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