Thursday, 8 May 2014

#PickMeUpLondon 2014

Did you catch it? Were you there at all? Did you go? #PickMeUpLondon and done and gone for another year. I had so much fun volunteering last year for it, that I knew I had to be there again this time around. Unfortunately, I couldn't help as often as I would have liked to, but it was still a grand time and I met some interesting and talented people.

Again this year, I got my craft on while stamping with @DCShoesUK,  listened to the same 7 songs with @Secret7s, got domestic with ironing and sewing vintage fabrics from @Heals_Furniture  with the help of @Carryabag, and listened to a great discussion on illustration and graphic design hosted by @CrowdTalks

this is not a sponsored post, I just really, really like the festival

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