Thursday, 16 January 2014

London Ice Sculpting Festival

This weekend was the London Ice Sculpting Festival 2014 that took place indoor and out all over the Canary Wharf estate. After a lunch with a friend, I popped by to check out the festivities. On Sunday, when I was there, the theme for the ice sculptors was "Fabulous Fashion".

And like any good festival there were food stalls to tempt one and all and a hot drink to warm your bones as you viewed the sculptors at work.

There were performances and although it's quite mild here it was chilly this night and I felt for these sleeveless dancers.

You could even try your own hand at sculpting ice, if the line up hadn't been so long, I would have liked to have tried it out myself.

I couldn't resist a small cup of luxury hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Did you make it to the festival and cheer on the winners?

Fun travels!


  1. This is so cool, I had no idea this festival was on!

    1. I would have had no idea either, but this is my hood and I happened to see a poster for it earlier that week. I seems to be an annual thing, check it out next year!

  2. some of them are really amazing, pity that they won't last long:)

    1. Part of the beauty and glassy look comes from it melting away. But I agree, it is a shame.

  3. Must have been fun to watch them in action!


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