Dear Instagram;

Some might have called my level of interest in you an obsession, but not this kid. Sure I was checking in every couple of hours and was always on the lookout for a great instashot, but I wasn't different than any other Instagram user. I even encouraged my technologically disinclined parents to join--although in hindsight, this might have been an error in judgement. Then you betrayed me, you changed and my life hasn't been the same since.
Picture of my food I was forced to post on Facebook instead. Notice the distinct lack of filters.
Going cold turkey was hard. I might have raved about the indignity of it all when others around me instagramed #thishappened, I might have twitched slightly when they held their phones over their food #Iatethis and I had to just sit there only EATING mine. Seeing the world around me with retro-like filters lasted a lot longer than I'd care to admit. I had convinced myself that I was most upset because I no longer could keep in touch with my friends and family back home, they could no longer follow my big move to the UK; #erininscotland, #erinincambridge. Really though, these pictures were the same old retro looking photos of the tea I was drinking, food I was eating, and selfies just in a new location.
In all seriousness though, when I was first cut off, I felt disconnected and lost. I felt like I no longer was contributing to something bigger. I liked being part of that Instagram community, and it is a community with meetups, fans, and its own little place in our social media consumed world we now live in. I'm not all that disconnected after all.
So I guess I must thank you Instagram since #tmmwwd...oallst, I have rediscovered the freedom I had B.I. (before Instagram). I can again enjoy my food, standing still in interesting locations #fromwhereIstand and noticing funny signs when out and about without the pressure of having to take an artsy, vintagey photo while no one is looking.
In all seriousness though, when I was first cut off, I felt disconnected and lost. I felt like I no longer was contributing to something bigger. I liked being part of that Instagram community, and it is a community with meetups, fans, and its own little place in our social media consumed world we now live in. I'm not all that disconnected after all.
So I guess I must thank you Instagram since #tmmwwd...oallst, I have rediscovered the freedom I had B.I. (before Instagram). I can again enjoy my food, standing still in interesting locations #fromwhereIstand and noticing funny signs when out and about without the pressure of having to take an artsy, vintagey photo while no one is looking.
Warm regards,
A former Instagrammer
On a completely different note, anyone know how much an iPhone 5 is going for these days?
Pictures of Hipsters Taking Pictures of their Food
Adventurous Kate's Evolution on Instagram
Sing along to the Instagram Song
Fun travels!
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