This past weekend was the London Marathon, I hadn't initially intended on attending but after the Boston marathon bombings and an invite from a fellow North American, I wanted to show my support for the runners. As I mentioned, when I saw the first runners go by I got a little emotional, witnessing these amazing and brave athletes running 26 miles.
A blind man running with a guide
Gold medalist, Richard Whitehead
Some of my most favourite parts of the day were captured by my friend and fellow travel blogger, Selena. (check out her telling of the day over at Oh, the places we will go!)
Runners being spotted by loved ones on the sidelines cheering them on.
I'm telling you guys, all the emotions
Napoleon running.
Now for the costumed runners. To not only run 26 miles, but to do it in fancy dress too?
Saw a couple of tandem costumes, this must have been hot and hard to do.
Although, I didn't know anyone running the marathon, many people had their names written on their shirts. It was fun to be able to cheer people on personally. I especially enjoyed cheering Daves, which I feel called for a hearty, low "yeah Dave" which built up to an exclamation with pumping fist in the air.
The cleanup of the many, many water bottles was speedy and wet. We watched from out side a pub while drinking beers and try as we did, couldn't avoid the spray created by the truck driving over the half empty bottles.
I was glad for the invite and was honestly surprised by what a good time it was.
All these wonderful photos were taken by Selena and she has graciously allowed me to steal for my own post about the day.
Fun travels!