Thursday, 4 April 2013

Orphans Gatherings

This past weekend was Easter and like many people travelling or living abroad, I'm away from my friends and family who were getting together and celebrating this holiday/long weekend.  Instead I was invited to a new friend's orphan's Easter lunch and a chance to head to the Thames to watch 'the boat race'. (*spoiler alert* Oxford won!)

{ErinOutandAbout} Orphan Gathering

An orphan's dinner is usually put on and attended by a group of expats who can't make it home for a particular holiday and are missing out on the traditions from back home. This particular dinner was not quite traditional to anyone's Easter dinner as we had a mishmash of barbecued meat, potato salad, avocado and spinach salad. But tasty nonetheless.

{ErinOutandAbout} Boat Race

After lunch we headed down to central London to catch a brief glimpse of the Oxford and Cambridge University rowing teams and they raced in their 159th competition. I did literally see each boat for 2 seconds between people shoulders, as they glided through the water. Being so vertically challenged in large groups is such a bummer.

{ErinOutandAbout} Boat Race Antics
purse wine

{ErinOutandAbout} Boat Race Antics

Despite that and despite the cold, cold, COLD day, it was a great time. Some appeared to be having a better time than others, but no judgement here :)

Happening at the same time as the boat race is the Spitalfields City Farm Goat Race between a goat named Cambridge and another named Oxford. Maybe next year...

Fun travels!

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