Tuesday, 6 November 2012

I miss cooking

Moving around as I have been and living out of a suitcase makes one feel unsettled and unconnected. While I was temporarily settled in Cambridge, it was nice to be able to actually cook a meal for myself that was more than just prepackaged food or pasta and sauce. It helped me feel a little bit in control, if just for a short while.
For the big cooking extravaganza I decided to make Spaghetti Squash Lasagna (recipe found on SkinnyTaste.com). Finding Spaghetti Squash in Cambridge proved to be more difficult than I anticipated. They love a butternut squash but few have even heard of the spaghetti cousin. After 3 large grocery stores, several produce stands and a convenience store I found one at a health food store right by my house.

It was cheesy and healthy feeling (I added more veg to it, just cause), but didn't remind me of a lasagna at all, that said, I would totally make it again.

{source: skinnytaste.com}

Fun travels!

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